
Monday, November 18, 2013

Budapest FLL Videos

These are the videos of our three runs from the Budapest FLL tournament this week.
As you watch them, ask yourselves:

  1. What can we do to improve? 
  2. What did we do well? 
  3. What is our plan for improvement? (Put your plan in the comments below. Have at least three specific things you will be doing as part of your improvement plan.)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Robotics Tournament in Budapest Nov 16

Hi roboticists, 

We are excited to participate in our third competition at Fazekas High School on Saturday, Nov. 16.

Please be at the location on the map (below) at 9:00 on Saturday, November 16.  We will meet inside the school. Ask the receptionist where to go. It's upstairs.

The competition will last into the afternoon and there is not an exact ending time. Last year it went until about 4 PM. If you bring your cell phone, then you can call your parents to give them a better idea of when to pick you up.

There will be some snacks but you will want to bring a bag lunch, some snacks to keep you going, and drinking water.

If you have any questions at all please let one of us know.


Mr. Farren and Mr. Scanga

View Larger Map

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Letter of Interest for Sofia Tournament

Anglo-American School is proud to be hosting the CEESA Middle School Robotics Tournament in Sofia, Bulgaria.

If you need to, download this letter and print it out.  Please return to Mr. Farren as soon as possible to ensure you let us know your interest level.

Mission Points Video

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What does a Robotics Competition Look Like?

Begin with the end in mind.  This is one important idea to keep in mind when designing anything.

The activities in our first meeting of robotics were meant to help you to understand one of our goals as a team: create a robot to complete a set of tasks that earn points for our team.

As a beginner, watching clips from a competition can help you get an idea of what we will be doing.  Check out the first part of the video below or find a video you think will be helpful to the team.  To share your video, paste a link into the comments of this post.

Video of an FLL Robotics Competition from 2010

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

FLL Challenge for 2013

Hello SparkyBots. Welcome to a new year of Lego Robotics. 

Here are some things to get us started:

1) Take a quick look at the robotics letter.
2) Bookmark this blog into your Diigo bookmarks.

This year's challenge is called Nature's Fury. The FLL page with tons of info can be found at:

a. Nature's Fury Project Manual (Pdf)

b. Mission Building Instructions (Pdf)

3) Check out last year's Google Sheet we made to help us understand the missions.
4) Start adding in the YouTube links for the mission you've been assigned on this year's sheet.