
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Day 2 CEESA Robotics Bulgaria - Final Results

We had a great final day of the Robotics Tournament in Sofia! 

Our Sparkybots teams put all that they had into the challenges of the day. Both teams demonstrated tremendous teamwork and perseverance. At the end of the day it was one of the Sparkybots teams that had a chance to compete with the final 8 teams. 

This group of boys made it all the way to the semifinal round where they lost by only a couple millimeters. Overall, our Sparkybots2 team got 3rd place out of 20 teams in the competition in a score that combined teamwork, robot design, oral presentation, and the robot game. 

Congratulations to all boys for all the hard-work and dedication they showed to each other and the team!

Sparkybots 2 Qualified for Finals!!!

Sparkybots 2 (Dmitry, Enrique, Gabor, Patrick and Seb) have qualified for the finals! Please see their qualifying scores below.

Day 2 CEESA Robotics Bulgaria

Students have had a busy morning. The first part of the day began with tweaking robots, presentations, teamwork challenges, and robot design judging.  We've just had lunch and in a few moments will start competing.  Stay tuned...

Friday, November 18, 2016

Cultural Tour of Sofia - Day 1

After some morning robot preparation, we took some time to tour the center of Sofia for a cultural tour.

AISB students were actively involved in the tour answering many of the tour guide questions about religion and architecture and winning Bulgarian "Onion" Candy.  You will have to ask them more about that.

The weather has been very nice and team spirits are high as we head into our afternoon practice rounds. Don't forget to check out the live stream if you have a chance.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

CEESA Robotics Bulgaria - Day 1

Competitors recently arrived to the Anglo-American School of Sofia and are preparing their robots to participate in the tournament.  We had a very nice welcoming ceremony where each team was introduced with a cheer from a host school class.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Don't forget, you can find more tournament information at the AAS tournament site.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Animal Allies Project Design Guides

Project Description
Project Video Introduction
Project Rubric


Here are the two official teams for our FLL teams:

SparkyBots 1

Adam K
Adam F



Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Leveling Up

Congrats to all of those who have leveled up.  Continue on your Lego learning quest!

Level 1
Have your 'bot stop in the square. Must start from base. Most of 'bot must be in square.
Completed by: Gray, Blue, Yellow, White and Red

Level 1.5
Have your 'bot move in a figure 8 of about a meter in height. Must end up 5 cm or less from starting point. This can be done on the floor or any open area.

Completed by: Gray, White, Yellow, Blue


Level 2
Use the touch sensor to touch a wall then have touch sensor trigger 'bot to backup about 30 cm.

Completed:  White

Level 3
Use the light sensor/color sensor to trigger 'bot to stop on line.
Completed: Yellow, Gray

Level 4
Use the light sensor/color sensor so that it goes to the black line in the center of the table and it triggers your 'bot to go back to base.

Level 5
Use the light sensor/color sensor to follow a black line for at least 25cm.

Level 6 
Use the light sensor/color sensor to follow a black line and continue on a 90 degree turn for at least 15 cm.

Level 7
Bring a manure chip from the circle back to base.

Level 8
Use the proximity sensor to stop 5cm from a wall then back up 20 cm and turn around 180 degrees.

Level up: Missions:  Complete any mission successfully.

Bonus: If you teach another group how you completed a level and your students are then able to complete the level, you will get two more level blocks.

More levels to be added.

Leveling Up

Congrats to all of those who have made it to the first level.  We are adding more levels here so you can continue on your Lego learning quest.

Level 1
Have your 'bot stop in the square. Must start from base. Most of 'bot must be in square.
Completed by: Gray, Blue, Yellow, White and Red

Level 1.5
Have your 'bot move in a figure 8 of about a meter in height. Must end up 5 cm or less from starting point. This can be done on the floor or any open area.

Completed by: Gray, White, Yellow, Blue


Level 2
Use the touch sensor to touch a wall then have touch sensor trigger 'bot to backup about 30 cm.

Completed:  White

Level 3
Use the light sensor/color sensor to trigger 'bot to stop on line.
Completed: Yellow, Gray

Level 4
Use the light sensor/color sensor so that it goes to the black line in the center of the table and it triggers your 'bot to go back to base.

Level 5
Use the light sensor/color sensor to follow a black line for at least 25cm.

Level 6 
Use the light sensor/color sensor to follow a black line and continue on a 90 degree turn for at least 15 cm.

Level 7
Bring a manure chip from the circle back to base.

Level 8
Use the proximity sensor to stop 5cm from a wall then back up 20 cm and turn around 180 degrees.

Level up: Missions:  Complete any mission successfully.

Bonus: If you teach another group how you completed a level and your students are then able to complete the level, you will get two more level blocks.

More levels to be added.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Animal Allies Mission Videos

These videos can help you understand the missions that you will be programing your robot to complete for points during competitions.

Official FLL Video explaining each mission, no mention of point values:

If you are new to Lego Mindstorms check out this first video.  It features an EV3 robot completing some of the missions.  Keep in mind for each mission you must not just complete the mission objective, but also your robot must make it back to base without any help from a human:

Thanks Ms. Mahon for finding this video of kids explaining how they understand the mission to be completed in simple terms:

Each mission with point values explained:

Thursday, September 15, 2016